Bassam Tariq, talks about the beauty and diversity of Muslims. Has three importants projects that will make Muslims and non-Muslims change. Being a part of his community, he knows how welcoming this space was, but this space was being documented as a lifeless and cold monolith.
His friend and he had an idea and decided to break the fast in 30 mosques from different states. what emerged was a beautiful and complicated portrait of America. The media coverage forced local journalist to revisit their Muslim communities, but the most exciting was seeing people from around the world being inspired to take their own 30-mosque journey.
The second project was to make a film in Pakistán. The movie is called ''THES BIRDS WALK'', and it is about wayward street kids who are struggling to find some semblance of family.
The third project was, inexperienced, open a halal meat shop called HONEST CHOPS. Because the majority of Halal meat in America doesn't rise to the standard that Islam faith calls for.
He and her friends, we're reclaiming halal by sourcing organic, humanely raised animals and by making it accessible and affordable to working-class families. This shop its not only for muslims, the 90% of clients are non-muslims.
I think that it is a great iniciative that has made and will continue to change the view of Islam of many people around the world.